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Sign Up For March SAT® Prep!
Hey, welcome to assignments!
Input your assignment ID given by your tutor and get access to your assignment.
Before you begin, be sure to
Make sure to set aside time!
Your start and end time will be recorded and we therefore ask that you stay focused and complete your assignment in one sitting. If you decide to complete your assignment with paper and pencil we ask that you self document your start and end time on the given lines and be sure to upload with 10 minutes of end time, into system!
Coming Soon
Decide Paper or Online
With Fine Point Assignments, you are given the option to complete your work on paper or through our online system. If you have any issues with formatting or seem to have any stuck points either mark your answer as unsolvable and we will get back to you with an explanation and/or assistance
Understand Scoring
After your submission, your assignment will be sent to our system, and we will get back to you with your score within 24 hours. Keep and eye out in your inbox as that is our main form of notifications. If you would like to change your email please reach out!
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